Monday, April 20, 2009
When I heard the news....Please Someone tell me Im not the only one!!!!
When I heard her say that (almost felt like slow motion) my heart felt like someone hit it with a baseball bat. Here was a woman, around 26, who decided to abort. Intitially, I was angry and in pain, but today, I try and imagine what she was thinking and feeling on her way to the clinic, what was so bad or big that it trumped the life of her unborn child. What the hell was so damn important that it took precidence over a life.
Look, Im human and I know that it is virtually a cake walk to comment on a situation you have NEVER been in, but because this issue is so important to me, and is something I have prayed and thought about for years, I sincerely believe that there is no way I would ever consider aborting my child should I have an unplanned pregnancy. I just dont get, and perhaps this is one of my biggest faults, but I just dont understand how a woman (especially with her innate maternal instinct somewhere within her) could choose to terminate her child.
Again, as a human being with anger banging at my heart, I want to judge her, maybe even scream at her, but as a Christian, I know in my heart that my job as a witness is to pray, be active on the issue however I can, and to help this never happen again.
But doesnt anyone else, feel the sense of urgency and anger, and hostility towards those who choose to abort?
Please, someone tell me Im not the only one.....
Who Made You Judge & Jury???
My reaction was to immediatly hit this person back with a fundamental query ""real Christian - i feel obliged to question where exactly the Christ is in your "real Christian" persona, when you can believe and feel compelled to argue that one human being has the right to decide whether another human being lives or dies. Who made you Judge & Jury?"
I agree that questioning things, topics, beliefs, whatever is a sign of intelligence. But to terminate a life, because it wasnt part of the plan or will make your life and others harder, is a sign of avarice, greed, and sloth. There really isnt a good enough reason in my mind, that choosing to abort a child is acceptable.
And how funny is it, that a person who calls themself "real Christian" , who has the nerve to put Christ in his name, would say that "intelligent women who make their own decisions, ie: choose abortion," are just.
I say time for those who side with Mr/Mrs/Ms. "real Christian" should consider what they really worship and believe in.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Send a Red Envelope to Obama Today
Participate in the Red Envelope Project. Tell President Obama you are against the taking of innocent life in the womb. From the website:
Get a red envelope. You can buy them at Kinkos, or at party supply stores. On the front, address it to:
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
Washington , D.C. 20500
On the back, write the following message.
This envelope represents one child who died in abortion. It is empty because that life was unable to offer anything to the world. Responsibility begins with conception.
Christian Women Beautify Abortion: Insipid, Vapid, Gaping, Evil.
Christian Women Beautify Abortion: Insipid, Vapid, Gaping, Evil.
I have never in my life heard of something which has caused a more visceral, appalling, guttural hatred-of-evil emotion to course through my mind. It is rather amazing, because there are lots of evil things out there. This one is about the worst feeling I have ever had. Unbelievable:
The Women’s Center Of Hyde Park in Tampa, 502 S. Magnolia, baby slasher institution, recently received a group of idiot “Christian” women to beautify the process of murdering children. These women volunteered their time, to deliberately make the interior decorating of the killing fields’ front office into something nice.
I expect that born-again Christian people will function at a highest standard of morality. I expect that Christian women will be the champions of children, protectors of their little ones. It is utterly beyond me to find that a group of Christian women have taken it upon themselves to beautify an abortion mill, so as to make it more acceptable to pregnant women who go there. I would hardly expect this gutter behavior from criminal unbelieving people. But this is such scathing, philistine, vapid, deliberate wickedness it defies the imagination.
Cute little death! Sweety little murder! Feel cuddly about your dismemberment? What? Sign the damnable guest book? Find the proper color scheme for slashing baby?
Tell me Ashley, was your murder-room properly scented?
Could there be a bigger betrayal of what it means to be a mother? After all, the abortionists themselves don’t even decorate their killing with little hummel figures and precious-moments knick-knacks. I want to ask you a serious question.
Who do you think would be more evil? A Nazi commandant who ran an extermination camp, or a group of local concerned women, who showed up, and said they wanted to make the front office of that death camp beautiful, to enable it, so that the people who might wander in the front door would feel comfortable and stay? So that they were more likely to “feel at home” there? So that people who felt unsure would suddenly fell sure?
Not even the Nazis tried to make it pretty.
The entire purpose and motivation of the Christian desire on earth is to bring “salt and light”. Christians, by our presence, are to glorify what is right, condemn what is evil, promote the good, diminish and expose wicked things. Here, these women have done precisely the opposite. they have glorified evil, done their best to apologize and market for it. A Christian’s presence ought to leave the abortion clinic looking like what it is: exceedingly evil.
This is also a crime against nature. The entire purpose and motivation of the female desire to make a space comfortable for others is to protect, to nurture, to cultivate life. Here, in the ultimate act of betrayal of their very human natures, these harpies, these beasts, are using their God given gifts of interior decorating to lower the defenses of the innocent, to soothe those on their way to commit murder, to encourage and normalize the practice of bloody shredding… it is beyond infamy.
Given the choice between doing something to stop the killing, remaining passive, or getting out the pom-poms, these witch-cheerleaders decided to vamp up the number of babies killed by giving murder a hallmark interface.
Tell me you witches, what is the proper potpourri for a dismemberment, to make it most memorable and soothing?
May God himself confront you.My Comments: If you use a "pretty gun" does that make shooting it at someone any less inhumane?